The fact that you have taken the time to visit this page indicates that you want to know more about how you can support FOREWORD: A New Works Series.
Employing the playwrights and artistic teams for this project depends on the contributions of Sponsors who share our desire to use this time to help develop new works and provide an avenue for theatre artists to continue to be paid to practice their craft.
FOREWORD Sponsors are demonstrating to the artists involved with all of the workshops that even if they can't see each other in person - there is a large audience who has their back and wants to support them.
To put it simply, sponsorships often start at levels that don't always make it practical for everyone to participate. Here at Prologue Theatre, we have always striven for financial accessibility for our supporters and we are committed to continuing to do so. While we are incredibly grateful for the donors we have who are able to contribute at higher dollar amounts, it was important for us to structure the FOREWORD Sponsorship levels to allow for broad participation.
We invite you to join us today by selecting a sponsorship level below or choosing the amount that works best for you.
Employing the playwrights and artistic teams for this project depends on the contributions of Sponsors who share our desire to use this time to help develop new works and provide an avenue for theatre artists to continue to be paid to practice their craft.
FOREWORD Sponsors are demonstrating to the artists involved with all of the workshops that even if they can't see each other in person - there is a large audience who has their back and wants to support them.
To put it simply, sponsorships often start at levels that don't always make it practical for everyone to participate. Here at Prologue Theatre, we have always striven for financial accessibility for our supporters and we are committed to continuing to do so. While we are incredibly grateful for the donors we have who are able to contribute at higher dollar amounts, it was important for us to structure the FOREWORD Sponsorship levels to allow for broad participation.
We invite you to join us today by selecting a sponsorship level below or choosing the amount that works best for you.