2023 has had its challenges, but throughout the year our community of artists, audience members, donors, and volunteers have supported us in so many ways.
That support allowed us to stage productions with stories we deeply believed in telling as well as to devote time and resources to the development of three brand-new works. And, the excitement our community expressed only enhanced the honor we felt accepting the John Aniello Award for Outstanding Emerging Theatre Company at Theatre Washington’s Helen Hayes Awards back in May.
Thank you all for your support!
The Prologue Theatre Team
That support allowed us to stage productions with stories we deeply believed in telling as well as to devote time and resources to the development of three brand-new works. And, the excitement our community expressed only enhanced the honor we felt accepting the John Aniello Award for Outstanding Emerging Theatre Company at Theatre Washington’s Helen Hayes Awards back in May.
Thank you all for your support!
The Prologue Theatre Team
photo credits: DJ Corey Photography, Chris Banks, Christie Johnson , Jason Tamborini